Empower Hope: Support Our Events


Children’s Grief Awareness Day and Month

Date: November 1, 2025 - November 30, 2025
Please join us at Barrie City Hall on November 14th at 12pm for a Flag Raising event to commemorate Children's Grief Awareness Month

November is Children’s Grief Awareness Month. Seasons Centre will be taking this opportunity to support, advocate and raise awareness about the needs of grieving children, teens, and their families.

Did you know, the third Thursday in November has been designated as Children’s Grief Awareness Day? This November 21st, we are taking the opportunity to let grieving children know they are not forgotten in the midst of their grief. Seasons Centre will be honouring the 39,700 children across Canada each year that experience the death of a parent or sibling and we would like you to join us.

GET INVOLVED in our Campaigns and Events

Light the Town Blue
DATE: November 1st to November 30th
LOCATION: Your home and/or organization

Light the Town Blue throughout the month of November. Local businesses, citizens and organizations are encouraged to join us, click here for more details.

Flag Raising Event
DATE: November 14th 2024
TIME: 12pm
LOCATION: Barrie City Hall

You’re invited to join Hospice Simcoe-Seasons Centre, City of Barrie’s Mayor Nuttall, and partners as we raise our flag to commemorate the start of Children’s Grief Awareness Month.

Canadian Children’s Grief Symposium
DATE: November 12th and 13th 2024
TIME: 11am-5pm
Click here to Register

The Canadian Alliance for Children’s Grief (CACG) and Seasons Centre are proud to co-host the Canadian Children’s Grief Symposium – Canada’s fourth annual virtual conference designed specifically for those who support grieving children and youth on November 12th and 13th. Please join us for a unique and exciting educational event that will help to build your capacity to support grieving children, youth, and families in the communities you serve. Click here to register.

Barrie Colts Charity Hockey Game
DATE: November 16th 2024
LOCATION: Sadlon Arena in Barrie
Click here to Register

We are very excited to have partnered with the Barrie Colts to light the town blue and host a Charity Hockey Game on Saturday, November 16th, 2024. Various sponsor levels are available, including a limited edition game day jersey, click here to find out more.

Holding On To Hope
Participate in our Holding On To Hope social media campaign. Create a Holding On To HOPE tribute place card to show your support:

  • Click here to download the “Holding On To HOPE” image and print it out
  • On the place card, let people know WHO or HOW:
    • WHO you’re Holding On To HOPE for
    • Or HOW you’re Holding On To HOPE

Who You Could be Holding On To HOPE for:

  • Is there a grieving child that you are keeping in mind? You might add their name or initials to your sign.
  • Are you a grieving child (or adult) yourself? You could Hold On To HOPE in memory of someone you love. Who is that person, and what memories do you want to share about them?
  • Do you know a group or an organization that works to support grieving children? You can Hold On To HOPE in support of this group. Who is the organization, and what do they do to make you proud of their work?
  • Or you may simply want to Hold On To HOPE in support of all grieving children and send out HOPE from yourself, your family or your group.
  • Then post a photo holding onto your place card and tag @seasonscentre with the hashtags #holdingontohope #CGAM

10 Ways to Help a Grieving Child

  1. Take care of you — Exercise, eat well-balanced meals, stick to regular routines and reach out to others for support. These activities might be difficult when you are grieving, but taking care of yourself is still important. Grieving children do better when they have a healthy adult providing support and understanding to them.
  2. Be honest with your child — Discuss the tragic event with your child in a simple, direct and age appropriate manner. Be honest and share clear, accurate information about what happened. Children need to hear the truth from someone they love.
  3. Listen — Listen to your child share his or her story about what happened. Let them ask you questions and answer their questions as best as you can. Do not be afraid to say, “I don’t know.”
  4. Acknowledge your child’s grief — recognize that your child is grieving. Be careful not to impose your grief on your child, but allow him or her to grieve in his or her own way. It is normal for children to feel an array of emotions, including sadness, anger, frustration and fear. It is also normal for children to move in and out of grief reactions, at times being very upset or getting angry easily and at other times playing as if nothing has happened. If you are not sure how grief is impacting your child, spend time with them playing, coloring, drawing or sharing stories. Quite often children will give you clues to their grief through these activities.
  5. Share — Tell your child stories about your own life. Times you were afraid, sad or angry. Tell them how you dealt with these situations and what you learned. Children love to hear stories about the adults in their lives and when those adults were children. Sharing stories helps a child normalize what he or she is experiencing.
  6. Be creative — Give your child a creative outlet to express feelings. This can be done through drawing, writing, doing crafts, listening to music, or playing games.
  7. Maintain clear expectations — Keep rules and boundaries consistent. Children gain security when they know what is expected from them. Children will often use their pain as an excuse for inappropriate behavior. While you should always acknowledge the grief your child is experiencing, you should also teach them to be accountable for their choices, no matter how they feel.
  8. Reassure your child — Remind your child that he or she is loved and that you are there for him or her. Following the death of a person in his or her life, a child’s sense of safety can be shaken. Children often fear that you or other people in their life might die. While you cannot promise that you or others will not die, you can let your child know the plan if such an event occurs.
  9. Create rituals and new family traditions — Rituals can give your family tangible ways to acknowledge your grief and honor the memory of those who have died. Lighting candles, recognizing special occasions, sharing stories about those who have died or volunteering with a local charity as a family are some of the ways you can incorporate new traditions or rituals.
  10. Be patient — You and your child are grieving and the most intense parts of grief often take longer than we might want. Grief also changes us in many ways. So, be patient as you and your child experience your grief. Be patient with your child with repetition. A child often has to come back to the same details and questions. Patiently spend time with your child as they (and you) grow, change and continue to construct their (your) life story.

Written by Pamela Gabbay, EdD, FT

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Hope Goes Skiing at The Heights

Date: March 14, 2025
Time: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
More Information